
Tips for Successful Remote Business Meetings

As workplaces become more flexible, remote business meetings are becoming the norm. The geographical freedom to work from anywhere in the world has opened up the workforce to a much greater pool of talent than ever before, including those who are unable to commute to the office due to physical limitations or family commitments.

However, there are issues when working remotely. These challenges can cause frustration, disengagement and ultimately a decline in productivity. Meetings can last for a long time due to scheduling issues as well as time zone differences or technical problems. It is often difficult for employees to concentrate on their work after a lengthy meeting.

To ensure that your remote meeting runs smoothly, you need to select the right tools and adhere to proper etiquette. This includes using video to see everyone in the room, and adhering to the proper protocol for meetings, including being punctual, not checking emails in a remote meeting, and refraining from distractions such as texting or multi-tasking. It’s also essential to provide an overview of the meeting to participants afterward, so they can follow the actions they took and what steps they should take next.

It’s also important to build relationships with remote employees and ensure that they feel valued. This can be achieved by starting each remote meeting with a bit of small talk, like asking employees what they’re up to and what they’ve been doing in their personal lives. This is particularly effective for new employees or those who are struggling with feelings of loneliness and a sense of isolation working remote.
